Girl's Gotta Eat
Feed thy noble queen thrice during a single visit to her quarters.
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure
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Dragon Keep Assaulted
Unlock all Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep trophies
0.70 %
Challenge Accepted
Complete the first rank of all non-level-specific challenges with a single character.
0.80 %
Not Quite Dead
Reach level 5.
46.80 %
Better Than You Were
Reach level 10.
27.00 %
Always Improving
Reach level 25.
2.80 %
Capped Out... For Now
Reach level 35.
1.40 %
Decked Out
Have Purple-rarity gear or better equipped in every slot.
2.20 %
Sabre Rattler
Kill 100 enemies with the Sabre turret.
4.10 %
Phased and Confused
Phaselock 100 enemies.
3.40 %
So Much Blood!
Gunzerk continuously for 90 seconds.
1.00 %
Cute Loot
Kill a Chubby.
3.50 %
Token Gesture
Redeem 25 tokens.
18.00 %
Unseen Predator
Remain in Zer0's Decepti0n mode for 10 seconds straight.
1.30 %
Well, That Was Easy
Complete the mission "Shoot This Guy in the Face".
13.50 %
How Do I Look?
Unlock 10 customization items.
15.30 %
Friendship Rules
Revive someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list.
16.20 %
Better Than Money
Purchase 5 items from the Black Market.
16.90 %
Did It All
Complete all side missions.
1.30 %
I Totes Planned That Boss
Slay Mister Boney Pants Guy.
73.30 %
Introduce thyself to the White Knight.
30.80 %
Shorty, You So Best
Complete thy quest by rescuing yonder queen.
13.90 %
Girl's Gotta Eat
Feed thy noble queen thrice during a single visit to her quarters.
6.20 %
It's Like That One Video
Show thine worst enemy, the abomination known as "The Darkness", who is the nerdiest of them all.
8.80 %
They Was All "Hey, That's Mine!"
Unsheathe 5 swords from Immortal Skeletaurs without leaving the area.
26.70 %
Dang Girl, You Ace At This Game
Win the most challenging round in Murderlin's Temple.
2.50 %
Wield the Mysterious Amulet.
3.10 %
Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Demonstrate your skill, or lack thereof, at rolling the magical treasure orb of many sides.
15.20 %
Make it Raaaaaid
Vanquish the Ancient Dragons of Destruction.
2.00 %
Best Friends Forever
Use Deathtrap to kill 100 enemies.
7.20 %
Conductor of the Poop Train
Get 100 kills while in a Buzzaxe Rampage.
2.50 %
Let There Be Loot
Fire the Lootapult.
16.00 %