- žádná trofej pro tento filtr -
Banishing Beginnings
Exile 1 player
77.30 %
Elite Exiles
Exile 5 players in a single match
43.90 %
Fracture Failure
Fall into the Fracture
28.50 %
Eager Elementalist
Unlock 1 class triumph
1.00 %
Master of Magecraft
Unlock 6 class triumphs
0.10 %
Talented Taskmastery
Unlock 12 talents
1.80 %
To the Rez-cue!
Revive a teammate
39.60 %
Stalwart Savior
Revive a total of 20 teammates
0.80 %
Maniacal Alchemist
Exile a player with an elemental combination
67.30 %
Top Ten
Place in the top 10 in Battle Royale
77.00 %
Hollow Lands Champion
Win a Battle Royale
57.70 %