- žádná trofej pro tento filtr -
All Done
Unlocked all the trophies.
0.00 %
The Gardens
Completed The Gardens.
0.00 %
The Maquette
Completed The Maquette.
0.00 %
The Gateways
Completed The Gateways.
0.00 %
The Wedge
Completed The Wedge.
0.00 %
The Escape
Completed The Escape.
0.00 %
The Spiral
Completed The Spiral.
0.00 %
The Exchange
Completed The Exchange.
0.00 %
The Conclusion
Completed Maquette.
0.00 %
Open Sesame
Opened the first of many doors.
0.00 %
Precise Placement
Rotated an item for a better fit.
0.00 %
Size Manipulator
Changed the scale of an object to solve a puzzle.
0.00 %
An early exit.
0.00 %
Crew Creatures
Discovered Max, Sandy, Sputnik, Balto, Kitsume, Eggbert, Ms. Mayor, Momo, Rara, Dotsie, Pixel, Daisy, Hudini, Muzik, Luna, Prince, Quincy, Trouble, Jazz, Indie, Bill, Cleo, Khaini, & Pablo.
0.00 %
Into the Darkness
A leap everyone must take.
0.00 %
Run, Move, Run!
Entered the Arch Tower on your first try.
0.00 %
TL;DR Gardens
Completed the Gardens under 3 minutes.
0.00 %
Earlier Dates
Completed the Maquette under 4 minutes and 10 seconds.
0.00 %
Triumphant Days
Completed the Gateways under 4 minutes and 35 seconds.
0.00 %
Getting It Over With
Completed the Wedge under 9 minutes and 50 seconds.
0.00 %
Stressing Escape
Completed the Escape under 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
0.00 %
Riding the Spiral
Completed the Spiral under 6 minutes 40 seconds.
0.00 %
Boosting the Pillars
Completed the Exchange under 5 minutes and 25 seconds.
0.00 %