Higher Education
Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people.
Cities: VR - Enhanced Edition
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![Ultimate City Mayor](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/0-ultimate-city-mayor-ps5.png)
Ultimate City Mayor
Acquire all the other Trophies
0.00 %
Have a population of 40 in your city.
0.00 %
![SIMulated Town](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/2-simulated-town-ps5.png)
SIMulated Town
Purchase a new map tile for the first time.
0.00 %
![Power at Your Fingertips](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/3-power-at-your-fingertips-ps5.png)
Power at Your Fingertips
Unlock all city services
0.00 %
![I Want It All](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/4-i-want-it-all-ps5.png)
I Want It All
Reach the final milestone in any map.
0.00 %
Have a population of 100,000 in your city.
0.00 %
![Climbing the Social Ladder](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/6-climbing-the-social-ladder-ps5.png)
Climbing the Social Ladder
Have a Citizen educated to level 3 from 0.
0.00 %
![Unpopular Mayor](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/7-unpopular-mayor-ps5.png)
Unpopular Mayor
Have 15% happiness.
0.00 %
![Rolling in Dough](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/8-rolling-in-dough-ps5.png)
Rolling in Dough
Earn 12,500 per week.
0.00 %
![Frenetic Player](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/9-frenetic-player-ps5.png)
Frenetic Player
Inspect a police building 50 times in a row.
0.00 %
![Happy Town](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/10-happy-town-ps5.png)
Happy Town
Have more than 95% city happiness for 3 years.
0.00 %
![Tough City](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/11-tough-city-ps5.png)
Tough City
Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years.
0.00 %
![Fire Watch](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/12-fire-watch-ps5.png)
Fire Watch
Have 5 Fire Stations.
0.00 %
![The Safest Town](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/13-the-safest-town-ps5.png)
The Safest Town
Have 5 Police Headquarters-
0.00 %
![Professional Dumper](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/14-professional-dumper-ps5.png)
Professional Dumper
Fill five landfill sites.
0.00 %
![Higher Education](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/15-higher-education-ps5.png)
Higher Education
Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people.
0.00 %
![SIMulated City](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/16-simulated-city-ps5.png)
SIMulated City
Purchase the maximum amount of tiles.
0.00 %
![Safe City](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/17-safe-city-ps5.png)
Safe City
Keep the crime rate under 10% for 2 years straight.
0.00 %
![Power to the People](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/18-power-to-the-people-ps5.png)
Power to the People
Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year.
0.00 %
![Make Them Pay](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/19-make-them-pay-ps5.png)
Make Them Pay
Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year.
0.00 %
![Straight Bussin'](/img/hry/1121/trofeje/20-straight-bussin-ps5.png)
Straight Bussin'
Complete your first bus line in any map.
0.00 %
Complete your first metro line in any map.
0.00 %
Earn 25,000 per week.
0.00 %