A reliable partner
Win a game while riding Louie
Super Bomberman R Online
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It’ll do, I guess
Win a game without picking up a single item panel
3.10 %
A reliable partner
Win a game while riding Louie
3.90 %
Died by your own bomb
58.20 %
Blocks from above
Died by destroying a Block
27.30 %
Bomber ONE
Come 1st in a Battle 64
5.40 %
Area hog
Dominate an area in a Battle 64
12.40 %
8 Bomberman Bros
Win a battle with all 8 Brothers
0.20 %
Go big or go boom
Raise firepower to the max
16.40 %
Bomb hoarder
Raise the number of holdable bombs to the max
12.60 %
Speed demon
Raise movement speed to the max
10.40 %